

o, im such a bad mommy...i've neglected my baby and im so sry ! Its jut been really hectic here in my life and I have been really to myself lately. So im BACK for good...maybe narrwing the limit of posts to like 2 or 3 times a week..M W F? that sound good??
yea I think it is. But yea Today is Wed and this is the 3rd episode of America's Next Top Model new season. All the models are 5'7 and under...they arent allowed o wear heels! ahhh lol but tonite it comes on at 8 and I will be back to let u know which girl goes home and my top 3 finalists! =]


::artist of the week::

Oh Emm Gee! Taylor Swift; AMazing vocalist with passionate lyrics to match. Have loved her for quite some time and she continues to have my support. I wud LOVE to see her in concert. She deserves to be artist of the week with all the amazing songs she has written and her voice just adds more depth to each word she sings! With classic love songs such as Love Story and Teardrops on My Guitar where she spills out the love for someone who is taken. && one of my favs White Horse...enuff said


So I havent been on here in like 3 days past FOREVER! lol but trust me I did not forget about it I have been soooo busy with my move in =]
life, the bf and mainly building my relationship with God.
But trust!, once the internet im stealing lol works full throttle I'll be blogging more often!

Life, Happiness =] =] =]



I'm really starting to like the new project Mr. Over The Top Bad Boy King of the world Diddy has taken on. I feel that he is maturing like no other. We are able to see him at his vulnerable moments and we see that he actually has a soul lol. Not to mention that he has some BADDDD talent featured on the show and I mean that in a good way! Keep up the GOOD work; and I say GOOD because some projects haven't always been as nice lol!
Tiny & Toya-both truly genuine women. I first started watching the show with only intentions of laughing how they country butts talked but then I saw that they were normal ppl and just tryna get their daughters singing group off the ground. The OMG Girlz coming live to a stage near u! lol
Okay this past Monday I watched the beginning of another FAiLED attempt at "finding love" begin. Real Chance of Love pt. 2. So I'll admit, I watch these senseless shows with no purpose other than entertaining me on the nights in which NOTHING else interesting or with substance comes on tv. I watched last season and I was highly disappointed with the outcome to say the least. Real picked frickin Corn-fed! like um u picked this little country girl off a FARM to come live as fabulous as u do while being "STALLiONAiRE" ha! really that was a joke. && Chance had the choice between Risky and Cali and told them it was a tie and that they both lot...womp womp womp. personally would've loved to have seen him with Risky but, hey who am I but one of the million of viewers who helped keep this show running; running long enuff that they cud come back and do a SECOND season. The first episode however was a tad bit on the 'caught-my-attn-side' when a ghetto white girl from the "Show Me" state Missouri-Show me, attacked Vegas, a girl who thought she would provoke ppl to get mad so they can hit her and be sent home. Well Show Me's brutal bloodshed -haha got her sent home, and while Vegas boasted in her "well thought of plan" Real & Chance delivered a blow tht no one was expecting; the instigators would be sent home! -gasp; no not the instigators! as if they shouldn't have been sent them home! The hilarity for me was when she cried and BEGGED to stay in the house. Ummm did she forget she had only met them earlier that day?? hmmm guess not. Okay so the rest of the nonsense and bs goes on for a little while longer then its time for eliminations...&& let me say I was so DEAD at the actions of the two girls who were so confident in that they were gonna get picked I updated my FB status about it lol. A girl named hmm wutever idr and a girl who screamed girls were 'whore goblins' wutever the heck that is were the ones not chosen. Ms Tatted on EVERY part of her body except her face was shown pointing to a tattoo on her chest that read "Top of The Line Dime"...wait did this broad say DIME??? did she not think when that word was excessively used while I was in the 7th grade that it wouldnt get OLD?? or is she one of the few lame grown women who still believe it is a compliment to be called a DIME! lol too funny for me.
Meghan wants a millionaire?-Bullspit..wont even comment on it.
and last but not least Frankie && Neffe...I just cant even wait for this show. BET needs to change their name to BGT-Black Ghetto Television! Because thats exactly what its turning into! They will do anything for ratings and trust with wild child Frankie and hood gutta gutta Neffe they will get all the ratings they have missed out on since the BET awards lol

"...Hi I'm Jasmine; Hi Jasmine! and I'm addicted to stupid pointless reality TV shows!"


♥ bundle of joy

Jaida Lee'Ann Wilson; 8lbs 2oz
Born August 2nd, 2009 @10:30 am
Congrats to Joslyn!! =] ♥


.housewives got drama too.

So last night on Bravo, was the 2nd season premiere of Real Housewives of Atlanta, and it was a good way to get viewers hooked for the est of the season. On last nights episode we meet a new housewife Kandy who replaces the previous housewife DeShawn; who was taken off the show because she didn't have enough drama in her life..yes she was a bore (yawns). Any who we all know that all of them lost their houses except Kim, and so they are all shown moving into their new homes. Well the highlight of the show came at the end when Sheree-who only receives about 250,000 a year from alimony, decides to throw an "Independence Party" and seeks a party planner named Anthony. Well lets just say the hood came out of Sheree and Anthony-who both claim to be "professional business people" lol. As u can see in the pic above, they get in each other's face and Sheree was called everything in the book from a has been to bitch and ending it with a 'yo mama' sting..Ouch Anthony that one really hurt-NOT! lol I'll be tuning in every Thursday night at 10 to see more drama unfold!


::artist of the week::

So im on this acosutic/pop genre rant and my lovely boyfriend has had me re-evaluate Jason Mraz. Now I loved his song You & I but after that hit I had not given him any more thought (sadly) but now I cantstop listening to him! I have absolutely fell in love with his romantic bubbly duet with Miss. Bubbly herself Colbie Caillat-Lucky. I made it my ringer for Julian =] and this song alone made him become artist of the week! -Enjoy!

-lucky im in love with my bestfriend!

I swear im madly in love with love itself! these past 5 days with my Julian was AMAZING...it may not have included the romance like I "thought" I would've liked, but included doing all of my fav activities, and my favoritest of them all is being wrapped tightly in his arms...could u think of a better feeling?? We ceebrated our one year anniversary and I cant wait until the many may more I hope and pray we sare together! I'm loving that fact that he has his own place now and I can come visit as often as I like...16 days till im back in my fav spot next to my fav guy =] =] =] =] ♥

&& her name is ME

-I can honestly say that the decisions I will have to make in my life will benefit Me, Myself & I =]



so first she goes and does this >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
and then catches an effin attitude with a very polite news anchor like shes some baddd B like her sister! Face it chick u ARE only known for being Beonce's little sister. suck it up and ENJOY IT!

J&J2G4E ♥

So this coming Wednesday is me and the love of my life's one year anniversary. I am TOO ecstatic and cant wait to spend some time with him. Even though we are both currently knee deep in this recession lol I plan to enjoy every minute of time spent with him. Which means that you guys will hear back from me on Thursday =] oh btw I had an interview at Houston's today sooo pray I get it =] =] =]

ily Julian Joseph Williams ♥ 72809


-come on already-

So my little sissy is expecting her baby and I want her to get here already! she only has 6 days left so I can NOT WAIT until she gets here!! Titi Jasmine is gonna be tooo excited =] Baby Jaida we are waiting for youuuu


-Diagnosis; LDR ♥

...with you is where i'd rather be, but we're stuck where we are & its so hard, so hard...
So whoever said Long Distance Relationships were easy-LIED! I am currently in a long distance relationship with my boyfriend of one year (on the 28th =]) and things have not been easy for us to say the least. See our relationship, as well as many others who are in a LDR, comes with boundaries, standards, certain guidelines not found commonly in relationships where people live in the same area. LDR is defined to me as being in a different state (obviously), a different city that is far away you might as well be in a different state or those who just aren't able to see each other as often as you would in a common relationship.

See I refuse to call relationships that are not LDR "normal" because they encounter things that make them far from normal as well. In my type of relationship there's ALWAYS negative to a positive. Example: Me and my boyfriend stay 308 miles apart, which means 9 times out of 10 we don't see each other alot; not enough to bicker when we do see each other and we cherish the times when we have time together. The negative (aside from not seeing each other) is that we compensate for the time being missed out by not seeing each other, by over talking on the phone. Now me, I love talking to my honey, but only if there are things to be talked about. I hate (and many of you may too) sitting on the phone hearing our breath hit the speaker.; that may be okay in some relationships but in mine it does more damage than help.

Don't get me wrong, when we talk we TALK and its like we have just met all over again. But many people don't understand that if they have never had to deal with it first hand. Before the 10th of July, the last time I seen my boyfriend was In MARCH! That's what 4months! Now tell me can you just IMAGINE how I dealt wit that. I don't even know how I dealt with that. But I did, and I will continue to deal with it or make something happen because I knew wat I was getting myself into when I decided to be with him. I refuse to let distance keep us apart or be the reason for a breakup. I knew that there will be days, weeks and hell even months that I would not get to have a physical connection with my boyfriend. I think being in a LDR makes me appreciate him more. I cherish our time together and every minute with him is valuable and I want to make the most of it. You begin to realize the importance of communication and trust in a LDR because for the most part that's all you have. You have to trust each other to know they aren't doing wrong, whole at the same time trusting yourself to not step outside the relationship.
Granted some LDR don't work, but I think that the occupants of a LDR have a far more harder work ethic into making a LDR work because we have already devoted so much time into. Its stressing; its difficult; its hard; but I can say that its WORTH IT and it can work!

-so to all of you are currently in the midst of a LDR; when you feel you have come to a point to where you cant go on anymore because its a burden to hard to bear; ask yourself why you got in it in the first place, and why you've been holding on for so long.

I wish you were here, but you're not here. You're there. && there doesn't know how lucky it is...♥


This Guess Bag-These Christian Louboutin heels- This haircut-

La Azteca 3med w/ cheese && a beef enchilada

-eh, 3 out of 4 aint bad lol (cuz unless I hit a lick, those heels are just a dream!)

so lame. lol

I was in a hurry to get to Wal-Mart to price some stuff for my hopefully NEW apartment! As I'm walking I'm noticing the stares and snickers from quite a few ppl, so initially I'm thinking "screw the haters" lol well when I pulled in my driveway and I just happened to glaze down noticing this:

-Can we say LOSER! Ha!


-atl shawty-

I was waiting for this since I left the A in May =]

-eh, tan

-hideous; not the kind of tan I was going for!
&& I got sun burned-ouch!


&& the winner is...


Moved on.
New love.


Cycle repeats itself and this time you're the victim...&& I apologize...so much!


.remember the times.


-eating a pack of cry babies until your face was stuck

-Making mud pies at the end of the driveway

-The BEST and MISSED original Nickelodeon

-The Candy Lady who stayed on your street or around the corner?

-Playing kickball in the street with random items as bases?

-Playing every TAG imaginable till mama yelled out the house for you to come in

.I do, && boy do I miss it.

.twins or random coincidences...

So, in the process of Rihanna "finding herself" did she give up half way down the road and decide 'hey I'll be like Cassie and shave my head." Rihanna was spotted in LA with a shaven Mohawk similar to r& b recording artist Cassie.

Lets not forget both of their 'infamous' nipple piercings. That seemed to have leaked simultaneously. There is one significant difference though...

Rihanna does it better...FAR better!


*Word of the Day*

-BELiEVE:to have a firm religious faith b: to accept as true, genuine, or real :to have a firm conviction as to the goodness, efficacy, or ability of something : to hold an opinion : think transitive.

In times of uncertainty....
When things look rough...
When life seems to hard,
and you wanna give up...

Cant Give up...at least not now!

So after a long thought out (well at least I thought it was at the time) good decision, I made the progress to transfer to Georgia State from Clark Atlanta University...well things just don't seem to work out always how you picture them. I found a lot of obstacles in this process and well its say today on the way home I had mini breakdown-OK, I'm lying i was MASSIVE! I cried and cried because I was so frustrated with the whole process of college. I was always told by my family that all I had to do was get good grades in high school and that everything else would be taken care of, well its FAR from simple as they made it seem. This process is BEYOND tedious and I really really REALLY wanted to throw in the towel...but I know that thru all of this turmoil, God will see me thru...and I will come out victorious and this will be a thing of the past =]


fml-Funny Muthaeffin Laughs; lol

so browsing on the internet for FML stories and I went to the website and some of them just literally made me Laugh my butt off! haha Check out the top fml stories!


I wish I had a fml to share, but gladly I dont, not today at least lol!

A [SITE] to see =]

Just had to let everyone know of one of MY Fav online blogs that mainly focuses on high fashion but include many other posts on topics from makeup to music. They have some of the GREATEST writers that I know, including one of MY VERY BEST Corey Stokes and the very talented and creator Donyale Walton!
Oh did I mention, the sh*ts good =]


--Gotta get back...ASAP!

-Missing some important ppl from the AUC...cant wait untl AUGUST && well for you Britt, we gone have some BOMB birthdays in January =]

-ily guys and cant wait till I can see you [[♥]]

-random [♥]

So yesterday, me & my honey were on the phone talkn and he told me that he loved me, and I said I love you more lol and well it kinda turned into a song from there lol :

Julian: I love you

Me: I love you more

Julian: Its you who I'll always adore

Me: You're my baby

Julian: && you're my darling

Me: && for you, i'll keep falling =]
Haha so yea im kinda sorta head over heels in love with him =]


::artist of the week::

So I have had this song on repeat since I first heard it again lol (first heard it back in '07 on xm radio) and I just love EVERYTHING about it! His voice is pure and gentle and smooth wit a tad bit of raspyness to it and the lyrics and Melody aren't bad either! His cd Holly is great! Including another favorite of mine-Save Him! and he aint bad on the eye either! =]
-After Tonight: Justin Nozuka

-Heaven's Newest Angels-

Recently in the news in Monroe, MI a 5 year old little girl name Nevaeh went missing from her apartment complex. Just 10 days later, her lifeless body was discovered in a cement grave and it is now confirmed that she was buried alive.

In a couple states over in Indiana, 2 year old Jada Justice was found encased in concrete and dumped in a swampy area. Her 18 year old cousin and her cousin's boyfriend beat this baby to death, tried to burn her body and when that failed, they buried her in cement.

I guess this is so sad and heartbreaking because these are the innocents of this world. 5 & 2? What could they have possibly done wrong to receive the kind of torturous deaths they received. But God doesn't make mistakes and he now has two more angels on his side. Rest In Love Little ones!


So here's a quick list of my top 5 things I'm tired of:
  • Looking for a job && being unsuccessful =[
  • This heat in ATL, it seems like it only beams down on me!
  • As much as I am saddened by the death of Michael Jackson, I'm personally TIRED of hearing about him. Well not him per say but everything is about him and I just feel the man needs to rest in peace.
  • Not having an income; no one knows the pains of being broke when ur on a fixed income-literally!
  • && last but not least, I'm tired of not having anything to watch on Wed && Sundays; Tyra and Desperate Housewives-I NEED YOU!!!

::Almost Let Go::

Over these last couple of weeks, I have been having a pretty tough time understanding the things that happen to me and why. I often found myself questioning The Lord and his reasoning behind some of the heartaches I had been having. I felt that I was at the bottom and that nothing would get better for me. Then I found myself listening to "Almost Let Go; by Kurt Carr Singers" and I played for 3 hours straight. I wont go any further but just know that when you're at your lowest; look up and God is the answer...