
.remember the times.


-eating a pack of cry babies until your face was stuck

-Making mud pies at the end of the driveway

-The BEST and MISSED original Nickelodeon

-The Candy Lady who stayed on your street or around the corner?

-Playing kickball in the street with random items as bases?

-Playing every TAG imaginable till mama yelled out the house for you to come in

.I do, && boy do I miss it.

.twins or random coincidences...

So, in the process of Rihanna "finding herself" did she give up half way down the road and decide 'hey I'll be like Cassie and shave my head." Rihanna was spotted in LA with a shaven Mohawk similar to r& b recording artist Cassie.

Lets not forget both of their 'infamous' nipple piercings. That seemed to have leaked simultaneously. There is one significant difference though...

Rihanna does it better...FAR better!


*Word of the Day*

-BELiEVE:to have a firm religious faith b: to accept as true, genuine, or real :to have a firm conviction as to the goodness, efficacy, or ability of something : to hold an opinion : think transitive.

In times of uncertainty....
When things look rough...
When life seems to hard,
and you wanna give up...

Cant Give up...at least not now!

So after a long thought out (well at least I thought it was at the time) good decision, I made the progress to transfer to Georgia State from Clark Atlanta University...well things just don't seem to work out always how you picture them. I found a lot of obstacles in this process and well its say today on the way home I had mini breakdown-OK, I'm lying i was MASSIVE! I cried and cried because I was so frustrated with the whole process of college. I was always told by my family that all I had to do was get good grades in high school and that everything else would be taken care of, well its FAR from simple as they made it seem. This process is BEYOND tedious and I really really REALLY wanted to throw in the towel...but I know that thru all of this turmoil, God will see me thru...and I will come out victorious and this will be a thing of the past =]


fml-Funny Muthaeffin Laughs; lol

so browsing on the internet for FML stories and I went to the website and some of them just literally made me Laugh my butt off! haha Check out the top fml stories!


I wish I had a fml to share, but gladly I dont, not today at least lol!

A [SITE] to see =]

Just had to let everyone know of one of MY Fav online blogs that mainly focuses on high fashion but include many other posts on topics from makeup to music. They have some of the GREATEST writers that I know, including one of MY VERY BEST Corey Stokes and the very talented and creator Donyale Walton!
Oh did I mention, the sh*ts good =]


--Gotta get back...ASAP!

-Missing some important ppl from the AUC...cant wait untl AUGUST && well for you Britt, we gone have some BOMB birthdays in January =]

-ily guys and cant wait till I can see you [[♥]]

-random [♥]

So yesterday, me & my honey were on the phone talkn and he told me that he loved me, and I said I love you more lol and well it kinda turned into a song from there lol :

Julian: I love you

Me: I love you more

Julian: Its you who I'll always adore

Me: You're my baby

Julian: && you're my darling

Me: && for you, i'll keep falling =]
Haha so yea im kinda sorta head over heels in love with him =]


::artist of the week::

So I have had this song on repeat since I first heard it again lol (first heard it back in '07 on xm radio) and I just love EVERYTHING about it! His voice is pure and gentle and smooth wit a tad bit of raspyness to it and the lyrics and Melody aren't bad either! His cd Holly is great! Including another favorite of mine-Save Him! and he aint bad on the eye either! =]
-After Tonight: Justin Nozuka

-Heaven's Newest Angels-

Recently in the news in Monroe, MI a 5 year old little girl name Nevaeh went missing from her apartment complex. Just 10 days later, her lifeless body was discovered in a cement grave and it is now confirmed that she was buried alive.

In a couple states over in Indiana, 2 year old Jada Justice was found encased in concrete and dumped in a swampy area. Her 18 year old cousin and her cousin's boyfriend beat this baby to death, tried to burn her body and when that failed, they buried her in cement.

I guess this is so sad and heartbreaking because these are the innocents of this world. 5 & 2? What could they have possibly done wrong to receive the kind of torturous deaths they received. But God doesn't make mistakes and he now has two more angels on his side. Rest In Love Little ones!


So here's a quick list of my top 5 things I'm tired of:
  • Looking for a job && being unsuccessful =[
  • This heat in ATL, it seems like it only beams down on me!
  • As much as I am saddened by the death of Michael Jackson, I'm personally TIRED of hearing about him. Well not him per say but everything is about him and I just feel the man needs to rest in peace.
  • Not having an income; no one knows the pains of being broke when ur on a fixed income-literally!
  • && last but not least, I'm tired of not having anything to watch on Wed && Sundays; Tyra and Desperate Housewives-I NEED YOU!!!

::Almost Let Go::

Over these last couple of weeks, I have been having a pretty tough time understanding the things that happen to me and why. I often found myself questioning The Lord and his reasoning behind some of the heartaches I had been having. I felt that I was at the bottom and that nothing would get better for me. Then I found myself listening to "Almost Let Go; by Kurt Carr Singers" and I played for 3 hours straight. I wont go any further but just know that when you're at your lowest; look up and God is the answer...