
-Heaven's Newest Angels-

Recently in the news in Monroe, MI a 5 year old little girl name Nevaeh went missing from her apartment complex. Just 10 days later, her lifeless body was discovered in a cement grave and it is now confirmed that she was buried alive.

In a couple states over in Indiana, 2 year old Jada Justice was found encased in concrete and dumped in a swampy area. Her 18 year old cousin and her cousin's boyfriend beat this baby to death, tried to burn her body and when that failed, they buried her in cement.

I guess this is so sad and heartbreaking because these are the innocents of this world. 5 & 2? What could they have possibly done wrong to receive the kind of torturous deaths they received. But God doesn't make mistakes and he now has two more angels on his side. Rest In Love Little ones!

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