

So here's a quick list of my top 5 things I'm tired of:
  • Looking for a job && being unsuccessful =[
  • This heat in ATL, it seems like it only beams down on me!
  • As much as I am saddened by the death of Michael Jackson, I'm personally TIRED of hearing about him. Well not him per say but everything is about him and I just feel the man needs to rest in peace.
  • Not having an income; no one knows the pains of being broke when ur on a fixed income-literally!
  • && last but not least, I'm tired of not having anything to watch on Wed && Sundays; Tyra and Desperate Housewives-I NEED YOU!!!


  1. I'm sincerely tired of them hounding this Michael Jackson thing too...let the man rest. They just won't leave it alone...it's ridiculous....anywho....follow me.

  2. yea its like BEYOND ridiculous, and the sad part about it, is that its NO where over...smh sad
