
Cant Give up...at least not now!

So after a long thought out (well at least I thought it was at the time) good decision, I made the progress to transfer to Georgia State from Clark Atlanta University...well things just don't seem to work out always how you picture them. I found a lot of obstacles in this process and well its say today on the way home I had mini breakdown-OK, I'm lying i was MASSIVE! I cried and cried because I was so frustrated with the whole process of college. I was always told by my family that all I had to do was get good grades in high school and that everything else would be taken care of, well its FAR from simple as they made it seem. This process is BEYOND tedious and I really really REALLY wanted to throw in the towel...but I know that thru all of this turmoil, God will see me thru...and I will come out victorious and this will be a thing of the past =]

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