
.housewives got drama too.

So last night on Bravo, was the 2nd season premiere of Real Housewives of Atlanta, and it was a good way to get viewers hooked for the est of the season. On last nights episode we meet a new housewife Kandy who replaces the previous housewife DeShawn; who was taken off the show because she didn't have enough drama in her life..yes she was a bore (yawns). Any who we all know that all of them lost their houses except Kim, and so they are all shown moving into their new homes. Well the highlight of the show came at the end when Sheree-who only receives about 250,000 a year from alimony, decides to throw an "Independence Party" and seeks a party planner named Anthony. Well lets just say the hood came out of Sheree and Anthony-who both claim to be "professional business people" lol. As u can see in the pic above, they get in each other's face and Sheree was called everything in the book from a has been to bitch and ending it with a 'yo mama' sting..Ouch Anthony that one really hurt-NOT! lol I'll be tuning in every Thursday night at 10 to see more drama unfold!


::artist of the week::

So im on this acosutic/pop genre rant and my lovely boyfriend has had me re-evaluate Jason Mraz. Now I loved his song You & I but after that hit I had not given him any more thought (sadly) but now I cantstop listening to him! I have absolutely fell in love with his romantic bubbly duet with Miss. Bubbly herself Colbie Caillat-Lucky. I made it my ringer for Julian =] and this song alone made him become artist of the week! -Enjoy!

-lucky im in love with my bestfriend!

I swear im madly in love with love itself! these past 5 days with my Julian was AMAZING...it may not have included the romance like I "thought" I would've liked, but included doing all of my fav activities, and my favoritest of them all is being wrapped tightly in his arms...could u think of a better feeling?? We ceebrated our one year anniversary and I cant wait until the many may more I hope and pray we sare together! I'm loving that fact that he has his own place now and I can come visit as often as I like...16 days till im back in my fav spot next to my fav guy =] =] =] =] ♥

&& her name is ME

-I can honestly say that the decisions I will have to make in my life will benefit Me, Myself & I =]