
-Diagnosis; LDR ♥

...with you is where i'd rather be, but we're stuck where we are & its so hard, so hard...
So whoever said Long Distance Relationships were easy-LIED! I am currently in a long distance relationship with my boyfriend of one year (on the 28th =]) and things have not been easy for us to say the least. See our relationship, as well as many others who are in a LDR, comes with boundaries, standards, certain guidelines not found commonly in relationships where people live in the same area. LDR is defined to me as being in a different state (obviously), a different city that is far away you might as well be in a different state or those who just aren't able to see each other as often as you would in a common relationship.

See I refuse to call relationships that are not LDR "normal" because they encounter things that make them far from normal as well. In my type of relationship there's ALWAYS negative to a positive. Example: Me and my boyfriend stay 308 miles apart, which means 9 times out of 10 we don't see each other alot; not enough to bicker when we do see each other and we cherish the times when we have time together. The negative (aside from not seeing each other) is that we compensate for the time being missed out by not seeing each other, by over talking on the phone. Now me, I love talking to my honey, but only if there are things to be talked about. I hate (and many of you may too) sitting on the phone hearing our breath hit the speaker.; that may be okay in some relationships but in mine it does more damage than help.

Don't get me wrong, when we talk we TALK and its like we have just met all over again. But many people don't understand that if they have never had to deal with it first hand. Before the 10th of July, the last time I seen my boyfriend was In MARCH! That's what 4months! Now tell me can you just IMAGINE how I dealt wit that. I don't even know how I dealt with that. But I did, and I will continue to deal with it or make something happen because I knew wat I was getting myself into when I decided to be with him. I refuse to let distance keep us apart or be the reason for a breakup. I knew that there will be days, weeks and hell even months that I would not get to have a physical connection with my boyfriend. I think being in a LDR makes me appreciate him more. I cherish our time together and every minute with him is valuable and I want to make the most of it. You begin to realize the importance of communication and trust in a LDR because for the most part that's all you have. You have to trust each other to know they aren't doing wrong, whole at the same time trusting yourself to not step outside the relationship.
Granted some LDR don't work, but I think that the occupants of a LDR have a far more harder work ethic into making a LDR work because we have already devoted so much time into. Its stressing; its difficult; its hard; but I can say that its WORTH IT and it can work!

-so to all of you are currently in the midst of a LDR; when you feel you have come to a point to where you cant go on anymore because its a burden to hard to bear; ask yourself why you got in it in the first place, and why you've been holding on for so long.

I wish you were here, but you're not here. You're there. && there doesn't know how lucky it is...♥


  1. Awww! thats so....u! lol. U guys will make it! Remember "I'm marrying Julian....he just don't know it yet" lmao

  2. You know that I can relate to this on so many different levels! I pray that we both make it through so that we knew all of the stress, heartache, and everything else was worth it! I know it will be =]

  3. lol Brandi u already know I remember saying that ALL to many times lmao and Ki I know...I pray every night that we stay together and that distace doesnt be the determining factor in our relationship! and duh u n Jordan gone make it im gonna be the maid of honor silly lol
