

o, im such a bad mommy...i've neglected my baby and im so sry ! Its jut been really hectic here in my life and I have been really to myself lately. So im BACK for good...maybe narrwing the limit of posts to like 2 or 3 times a week..M W F? that sound good??
yea I think it is. But yea Today is Wed and this is the 3rd episode of America's Next Top Model new season. All the models are 5'7 and under...they arent allowed o wear heels! ahhh lol but tonite it comes on at 8 and I will be back to let u know which girl goes home and my top 3 finalists! =]


::artist of the week::

Oh Emm Gee! Taylor Swift; AMazing vocalist with passionate lyrics to match. Have loved her for quite some time and she continues to have my support. I wud LOVE to see her in concert. She deserves to be artist of the week with all the amazing songs she has written and her voice just adds more depth to each word she sings! With classic love songs such as Love Story and Teardrops on My Guitar where she spills out the love for someone who is taken. && one of my favs White Horse...enuff said


So I havent been on here in like 3 days past FOREVER! lol but trust me I did not forget about it I have been soooo busy with my move in =]
life, the bf and mainly building my relationship with God.
But trust!, once the internet im stealing lol works full throttle I'll be blogging more often!

Life, Happiness =] =] =]



I'm really starting to like the new project Mr. Over The Top Bad Boy King of the world Diddy has taken on. I feel that he is maturing like no other. We are able to see him at his vulnerable moments and we see that he actually has a soul lol. Not to mention that he has some BADDDD talent featured on the show and I mean that in a good way! Keep up the GOOD work; and I say GOOD because some projects haven't always been as nice lol!
Tiny & Toya-both truly genuine women. I first started watching the show with only intentions of laughing how they country butts talked but then I saw that they were normal ppl and just tryna get their daughters singing group off the ground. The OMG Girlz coming live to a stage near u! lol
Okay this past Monday I watched the beginning of another FAiLED attempt at "finding love" begin. Real Chance of Love pt. 2. So I'll admit, I watch these senseless shows with no purpose other than entertaining me on the nights in which NOTHING else interesting or with substance comes on tv. I watched last season and I was highly disappointed with the outcome to say the least. Real picked frickin Corn-fed! like um u picked this little country girl off a FARM to come live as fabulous as u do while being "STALLiONAiRE" ha! really that was a joke. && Chance had the choice between Risky and Cali and told them it was a tie and that they both lot...womp womp womp. personally would've loved to have seen him with Risky but, hey who am I but one of the million of viewers who helped keep this show running; running long enuff that they cud come back and do a SECOND season. The first episode however was a tad bit on the 'caught-my-attn-side' when a ghetto white girl from the "Show Me" state Missouri-Show me, attacked Vegas, a girl who thought she would provoke ppl to get mad so they can hit her and be sent home. Well Show Me's brutal bloodshed -haha got her sent home, and while Vegas boasted in her "well thought of plan" Real & Chance delivered a blow tht no one was expecting; the instigators would be sent home! -gasp; no not the instigators! as if they shouldn't have been sent them home! The hilarity for me was when she cried and BEGGED to stay in the house. Ummm did she forget she had only met them earlier that day?? hmmm guess not. Okay so the rest of the nonsense and bs goes on for a little while longer then its time for eliminations...&& let me say I was so DEAD at the actions of the two girls who were so confident in that they were gonna get picked I updated my FB status about it lol. A girl named hmm wutever idr and a girl who screamed girls were 'whore goblins' wutever the heck that is were the ones not chosen. Ms Tatted on EVERY part of her body except her face was shown pointing to a tattoo on her chest that read "Top of The Line Dime"...wait did this broad say DIME??? did she not think when that word was excessively used while I was in the 7th grade that it wouldnt get OLD?? or is she one of the few lame grown women who still believe it is a compliment to be called a DIME! lol too funny for me.
Meghan wants a millionaire?-Bullspit..wont even comment on it.
and last but not least Frankie && Neffe...I just cant even wait for this show. BET needs to change their name to BGT-Black Ghetto Television! Because thats exactly what its turning into! They will do anything for ratings and trust with wild child Frankie and hood gutta gutta Neffe they will get all the ratings they have missed out on since the BET awards lol

"...Hi I'm Jasmine; Hi Jasmine! and I'm addicted to stupid pointless reality TV shows!"


♥ bundle of joy

Jaida Lee'Ann Wilson; 8lbs 2oz
Born August 2nd, 2009 @10:30 am
Congrats to Joslyn!! =] ♥


.housewives got drama too.

So last night on Bravo, was the 2nd season premiere of Real Housewives of Atlanta, and it was a good way to get viewers hooked for the est of the season. On last nights episode we meet a new housewife Kandy who replaces the previous housewife DeShawn; who was taken off the show because she didn't have enough drama in her life..yes she was a bore (yawns). Any who we all know that all of them lost their houses except Kim, and so they are all shown moving into their new homes. Well the highlight of the show came at the end when Sheree-who only receives about 250,000 a year from alimony, decides to throw an "Independence Party" and seeks a party planner named Anthony. Well lets just say the hood came out of Sheree and Anthony-who both claim to be "professional business people" lol. As u can see in the pic above, they get in each other's face and Sheree was called everything in the book from a has been to bitch and ending it with a 'yo mama' sting..Ouch Anthony that one really hurt-NOT! lol I'll be tuning in every Thursday night at 10 to see more drama unfold!


::artist of the week::

So im on this acosutic/pop genre rant and my lovely boyfriend has had me re-evaluate Jason Mraz. Now I loved his song You & I but after that hit I had not given him any more thought (sadly) but now I cantstop listening to him! I have absolutely fell in love with his romantic bubbly duet with Miss. Bubbly herself Colbie Caillat-Lucky. I made it my ringer for Julian =] and this song alone made him become artist of the week! -Enjoy!

-lucky im in love with my bestfriend!

I swear im madly in love with love itself! these past 5 days with my Julian was AMAZING...it may not have included the romance like I "thought" I would've liked, but included doing all of my fav activities, and my favoritest of them all is being wrapped tightly in his arms...could u think of a better feeling?? We ceebrated our one year anniversary and I cant wait until the many may more I hope and pray we sare together! I'm loving that fact that he has his own place now and I can come visit as often as I like...16 days till im back in my fav spot next to my fav guy =] =] =] =] ♥

&& her name is ME

-I can honestly say that the decisions I will have to make in my life will benefit Me, Myself & I =]



so first she goes and does this >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
and then catches an effin attitude with a very polite news anchor like shes some baddd B like her sister! Face it chick u ARE only known for being Beonce's little sister. suck it up and ENJOY IT!